Intro to the Log

What is this logbook?

Well, let me tell you! It's the section of the website where I can write about the tattoo industry and my journey through it. I want to help clients with their tattoo choices. Educate them on what makes a good tattoo, how to find tattoo artists and analyze tattoo portfolios. I want to share what I know with other tattoos artists and help them create a better and safer environment for their clients and, hopefully, more money.

I take a lot of time throughout my week watching videos and reading articles to try and better myself as a tattoo artist and as a business person. Sometimes I become so excited about the things I learn that I want to share with with the next person I see but fear the information overload may be a bit too much or that they will be simply uninterested. This logbook will let me write my own sort of articles and things to share with whoever feels like reading! It will also offer me my own archive of advice and information that I can then reference to clients and other artists during conversations.

Maybe, and hopefully, I will start making some short form videos for social media with some of the same information that I post about on here! I would also love to a semi-regular section where I just answer people’s tattoo questions. If you have questions that you’ve always wanted to ask an artist, whether it’s looking for advice or just something to satisfy some curiosity, I’d love to hear them! Send them to me through social media or through email, whatever you like!


Finding an Artist Pt. 1