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Your print is Fine Art

Maybe this is your first time buying a print, or perhaps your 50th.

Every time you buy a print you can be sure that it has been created, packaged and shipped with as much care as a Degas.


Each print is handled with gloved hands from the printer to the protective bag. Your print is then carefully and loosely rolled to fit into a large diameter shipping tube to reduce damage. Every order is also packed with a pair of gloves for yourself so that you may handle your fine art with confidence.

Print Care

When you first receive your print remove it from the tube but be sure to leave the print inside the protective bag. Lay it face down on a clean, smooth surface and place a weight on top of it to flatten it out.

Oils from your hands can damage the paper and ink. If you must handle your print do so with a pair of gloves or first wash your hands with soap and water and dry thoroughly. You should not have to handle your print often or for very long while outside of a frame or protective bag.

Find a frame that either has UV protection or keep it out of direct sunlight. Sunlight will fade the ink and reduce the quality and lifespan of your print. These prints are made to last but they will only last for as long as you take care of them. Prints come UNCUT. This means it is shipped on the full sheet of 13x19 paper. This allows you, or the person hired to frame it, to cut it specifically for your frame!