

Each print comes with a Certificate of Authenticity so that you know the print you purchased is a genuine product and not printed by a third party. Regardless of whether a print is on demand or in limited supply it will always come with a certificate attached giving you all the information about the work and print. In the case of an On-Demand print the edition section will have N/A written in it.

Certificates will ALWAYS be filled out in pencil.

Limited Prints

Limited edition prints will have their print number out of the total listed on the back. Sometimes this number will be followed by a +X (where X is a variable). This is to tell you how many artist proofs are out there in addition to the limited series. For instance, if you see “7/25 +3” on your Certificate, this means that out of the 25 prints made, yours is number 7 and there are 3 additional prints that were made specifically for the artist or as test prints to make sure printer settings were correct.